Tuesday 25 November 2008

Ho, Ho, Bl**dy Ho......!

So Christmas is here and the geese are getting fat, oh, wait a minute, Christmas is still a month away. Although, to be fair, my local supermarket has had Christmas cards and gifts since before halloween. Is it me, or is Christmas getting earlier and earlier each year? Maybe it's the credit crunch and the shops are trying to maximise their profits, by pushing Christmas early, but I'm sure, when I was a kid, Christmas didn't really start until we finished Guy Fawkes?
We went out shopping to Lakeside the other Sunday, normally a bit of traffic, but nothing to get excited about. It took 90 minutes for a 25 minute journey, an hour of which was going the last mile down roads where there's no other way to turn.
Last year I did all my Christmas shopping online, but I thought it would be nice, to go and see the pretty shops, to enjoy the ambiance of the festive time.
Well I'm back to trusty Amazon. They stock most DVD's, CD's, computer games and books that any of my family or friends could think of...and they bring it to me (well, via the postal service, but nothings perfect!).
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, seeing family and friends, the giving and receiving of presents, but it's such a build up for what seems, at my age anyway, to be a bit of an anti-climax.
If you're reading this, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year....Albeit a little bit early, but that's how this started anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian
    I'm not very much younger than you, and I'm still very excited about xmas! it's the most wonderful holiday! the lights, people are much nicer and generous! the "getting together" that makes me feel like I belong, the look on the kids faces when they open the presents (and the adults to - if I may say...)it's like everybody's birthday.
    It makes me feel young, happy and like there are no worries anymore!
    So join the party, and feel like a child again!
    Happy holidays to you too!!!!!!!!!!
