Saturday 22 November 2008

But There's No Handbook!

Okay, well I may have mentioned before, but if not I'll say it again. I have recently acquired a daughter. Not just any daughter, but a 12 year old daughter, with all stress that being a teenage girl brings.
Now, normally, we would have grown up together, we would be used to each other and would know when to put up and when to shut up. But I never had that chance and now I'm trying to learn on the job.
Now I work with computers all day and I'm fairly handy around most things like that. I know that there will be manuals if I'm stuck, or something on the web, maybe even a video clip on YouTube to help me understand some obscure configuration.
But here is the whole point, there are no handbooks, manuals or userguides on how to handle teenage girls and their mood swings. There is nothing on YouTube or Google helping me say the right thing, do the right thing or, more importantly, knowing when not to do or say anything!
I love her to pieces and her brother too. After my first wife died, I never thought that I would ever have a chance to experience a family, and on the whole, they make it very easy for me, Most of the time.
I guess, like most things in life, it is a big learning curve (make that a giant learning curve) and eventually we will work things out.....I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Well, mate the picture gives me the idea that your a shady figure from the criminal under world and to be honest. that's what it will take to get a rip on having a teen daughter.
    Me? I'm a vet of some 8 years as my daughter is 19 but if that wasn't enough, I have a step daughter of 18 making my total teen daughter experience some 11 years an counting.
    I don't know about any one else but I love these two assassins like I love my right arm when I'm sleepy (wink).
    Daughters are not to be trusted! they plot with their mothers, get you to change your mind even when its set in stone, bring other men into the house when your not there and worst of all grow up an prevent you from letching at the friends they acquire.
    But help is at hand my friend, secretly read they mags, watch their programmes and in doing so you will see why they menstruate at the same time (to annoy you), why they shout at you when all you said was "You look nice." (because your old and they dont need your affirmation) and last but not least make sure that you "like" the boyfrind as this will aid you in getting rid of him
