Friday 18 December 2009

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

I watched a film the other day, well to be more honest, half a film. It was, in my opinion, a very powerful film. For those that don't the story, it is about a young german boy, who befriends a jewish boy who is in one of the concentration camps in the second world war. The german boys father is a high ranking officer at the same camp.
When the boys mother finds that the chimneys at the camp are for burning the bodies, she plans to take her son and daughter away. That same morning, the german boy climbs into the camp to help his jewish friend find his father, gets rounded up and put into the 'showers'.
The imagery of the jews crowded into the room, the shot of their prison uniforms in the changing room and the boys mother screaming when she realises what has happened, seriously moved me.
In this time of year, with peace and goodwill to all men, I just sat there, thinking who gave that meglomanic the right to decide who could live and who couldn't. He pushed his idea of the 'Master Race', but when you look at him and his 'right hand men', they hadly fitted the picture that he was drawing...
Even in this century, there is still talk in some parts of the world, of Ethnic Cleansing... To be honest, it really fucks me right off.
People have the right to live. I don't care about their religion, their colour, what side of the street they live on....People who deprive other people of the right to live should be tried for murder with capital punishment should they be found guilty. People who incite other people to deprive people of the right to live, are also just as guilty.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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